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United Methodist Women became United Women in Faith in 2022


We're a sisterhood acting in faith to tackle the hard work of the world without hesitation.

Driven by God's love and united in sisterhood, we work to improve the lives of women, children and youth. Every day, we show up. We take action. We get it done.


The Elizabeth Franklin Unit of Green Meadow United Methodist Church holds

meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month with an option to Zoom in or attend in person.


 President: Glenda Eastridge | Vice President: Carol Green  

Treasurer:  Susan Daffron | Spiritual Growth:Cindy Miller

Secretary: Judy Lovely



"Food, Faith, and Fellowship"

Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of every month, starting at noon


Date                                                    Program                                                     Leader


JAN 23                                     Planning together                         Glenda Eastridge & Carol Green 

FEB 27               Living Water/ Call to Prayer and Self Denial                             Susan Daffron 

MAR 26                             Sharing/Giving/Missions                                        Glenda Eastridge 

APR 23                                             Hospitality                                                           Judy Lovely 

MAY 28                                  Community/Fellowship                                                  Pat Goan 

JUN 25                              Nutrition: Relationship to Self                                  Tracy Gormley 

JUL 23                                              Earth Care                                                         Carol Green 

AUG 27 Food Deserts Margaret Denney, Smoky Mtn District Secretary from Mtn View UMC

SEP 24                  Food Justice Donna Gardner, Master Gardener from Broadway UMC 

OCT 20     UWF SUNDAY with speaker April Smith, Director of Family Promise Carol Green
NOV 26                           
Favorite Dish Potluck/ World Thank Offering              Susan Daffron 

DEC 10      Co-Creating/Pledge to Mission - favorite Christmas covered dish   Susan Daffron


A Reconciling Community

The Elizabeth Franklin Circle of Green Meadow United Methodist Women is a Reconciling Community and promotes inclusion of ALL in full membership and participation of the United Methodist Church. We welcome and celebrate people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, races, ethnicity, age, economic status, and immigration status.

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