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Whether it's building mission kits for flood victims, sending food buckets to Ishe Anesu, Zimbabwe, giving food or other aid to a stranger, housing the homeless, or gathering peanut butter for the Community Food Connection, Green Meadow UMC is engaged in the missio Dei ... God's mission of love.  A sadhu begging bowl from India is passed on the last Sunday of the month, giving us another moment to share a blessing and support a variety of missions, the result of which not only helps to transform lives, but earns Green Meadow UMC the designation as a Five Star Church in the Holston Conference. Scroll down to see current list for our Blessing Bucket.

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Our Connection Ministries

On the last Sunday of each month, we pass the Blessing Bucket and share a blessing and an offering. These connectional ministries help our understanding that congregations can do more together to transform the world for the sake of Jesus Christ. The United Methodist Church designates Six Special Sunday Offerings (SSO).


Here are the Sundays and the ministries that receiving offerings in 2024:


  • January 28: Human Relations Day (SSO) relates to Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday observations by supporting community developers, United Methodist Voluntary Service, and Youth Offender Rehabilitation programs.

  • February 26: Appalachian Trail Chaplaincy (Holston Conference Missions). Each year, the Appalachian Trail Chaplain embarks on a thru-hike of the 2,190-mile footpath that winds its way from Georgia to Maine with the sole purpose of listening, helping, and showing God’s love to those he or she meets along the way.

  • March 31: United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Sunday provides major support to this agency as it aids refugees, responds to disasters, and assists hunger ministries nationally and globally. 

  • April 28: Camp Wesley Woods (Holston Conference Camping Ministry located in the Smoky Mountain District.) Camp Wesley Woods has been a loved ministry since 1959, with a dedicated focus on Summer Camp ministry, Outdoor Education, and Retreat ministry.

  • May 12: Susanna's House: (Holston Conference Ministry) Ministry to mothers in recovery. 

  • May 26: Annual Conference Mission Appeal: Each year, Holston Annual Conference designates a special offering to a ministry or mission within the Conference. We collect this offering on May's Blessing Bucket Sunday and take it to the Annual Conference gathering in June.

  • June 30: Peace With Justice Sunday (SSO) Peace with Justice calls the church to strengthen its capacity to advocate publically in communities and nations throughout the world. The offering benefits peace with justice ministries in the Annual Conferences around the world.

  • July 28: Missionary Support in Willow Alaska (Holston Conference Missions) The Rev. Joe-d DowlingSoka and Christina DowlingSoka co-pastor Willow United Methodist Church, which was founded in the early 1980s. It is the only mainline Protestant church for over 20 miles, and the closest UMC church north of Willow is 300 miles away. Much of the ministry's focus is on responding to poverty.

  • August 25: Nuba Mountains (Holston Conference Missions) Help fund building a Church in Nuba that was destroyed by war.

  • September 29: World Communion Sunday (SOS) is the first Sunday in October, but we take up our World Communion Offering as part of the Blessing Bucket campaign. World Communion Sunday grants advance studies scholarships for international and national ethnic students preparing for leadership in church and society.

  • October 27: Native American Sunday (SSO) When you give you equip seminary students who honor and celebrate Native American culture in their ministries. You empower congregations to find fresh and culturally appropriate ways to minister to their communities with Christ’s love.

  • November 24: United Methodist Student Day (SSO) Money from this collection provides loans and scholarships for UM college, university, and graduate students. When you support United Methodist Student Day, you make it possible for students to serve the world God loves.

  • December 29: Heifer International (UMCOR) Since WWII, the organization has provided livestock and sustainable living assistance nationally and around the world.

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